Peace & Belonging


antidote to Holiday burnout

‘Tis the season for widespread boisterous celebration of a holiday based on the birth of a baby.

Your family will gather with joy, oohing and ahhing over your cousin’s glowing cheeks and bulging belly. Your best friend is home for the season and wants you to meet her new baby. Your nieces and nephews peal with laughter and chase each other around the house. Parents kvetch about sleepless nights and potty training. And all the while, the people who love you most just want you to forget your troubles and be happy.

If this lands like an “OOF” in the pit of your stomach, keep reading.

Whether or not you celebrate Christmas, we’re all in for a 24-7 deluge of songs about a newborn babe in a manger, and a whole lot of light being shone into the darkness. When you were a kid, you loved this time of year. The light felt like a warm fire in your heart and all the energy was the charge of excitement and fun.

But now, all that light feels like a spotlight right on you as you freeze in the social scene, not knowing how to navigate.

There are so many reasons this can be a hard time of year: mostly when you’re grieving someone you’ve lost, or what-should have been. When that grief and wistfulness is for a baby, a child to hold in your empty arms, the intensity of the missing is so, so strong.

It’s a yearning and a darkness not everyone can understand — not everyone is even willing to imagine. And that unwillingness to go there, to imagine it, can leave us so, SO lonesome.

Connection is the antidote to loneliness.

Come. Gather with us who understand. Together, we’ll build meaningful connection even with the most oblivious of your uninitiated friends until your network is eager to meet. Until they know exactly the right way to do it. How? By training your attention for the moments that matter most. Find out why “I-language” and nonviolent communication hasn’t been working, and practice the tools that do. When you know HOW to ask for what you need, your request becomes almost irresistible. Friends start showing up to meet your needs in a meaningful way, and the occasional “no” becomes so much easier to receive without insult.

Find the peace in your body

Peace on Earth? Start with unlocking the peace in you. Peace is the most requested emotion I am asked to cultivate as a somatic coach, and I know why. Peace is the bottomless well of emotional resource from which you can weather all other feelings. Peace is the place from which it is easiest to access that sense of infinite love. And yet peace can feel like the most elusive, hardest-to-find emotion when things are fraught. Somatic tools help you weather the storms of your emotions and plumb the depths of the darkness to find the seed of profound peace that lies in the very heart of your pain. Even five minutes spent in this place can be life-changing. Let’s uncover it together.

Meet Your guide:

Hi, I’m Kate Carson.

And I’ve been holding TFMR support space at Ending a Wanted Pregnancy since losing my daughter, Laurel, to abortion in 2012. She was diagnosed with severe brain anomalies when I was 35 weeks pregnant. My husband and I chose to give her the gift of certain peace at the cost of her life. We had to travel a long way to do this legally. (Full story HERE.) My first Christmas after loss, we escaped to my husband’s family’s for Christmas, trading New England winter for New Zealand summer. Even on the other side of the world, I couldn’t escape babies. I found myself trapped like a deer in the headlights at a holiday party with a 5 month old second cousin in law exactly the age of the baby my arms yearned to hold. I didn’t know what to do, so I fled the party, very likely offending some family in the process.

Since that time, I’ve been studying different healing modalities, and trained in somatics — body-based methods that can feel like magic. Some of my teachers are Layla Martin (love, sex and relationship coaching), Kasia Urbaniak (power and communication), Dagmar Khan (pelvic health), and Rahi Chun (somatic sexual healing). I’d like to share some of these powerful practices with you over the next two months.

The Details:

WHO: YOU, missing what-might-have-been this season. Especially, anyone integrating grief, babyloss, abortion, miscarriage, hysterectomy, infertility, or missed-opportunity motherhood.

WHERE: Zoom live or in your portal as a replay

WHEN: Tuesday mornings at 10:30am Eastern Time (GMT-5) to Noon. 8 weeks in a row, starting Dec 5.


  1. A short lesson on the topic of the day, for instance, shadow work, parts work, or dominant communication style.

  2. Somatic (body-based) practice to do in real time to cultivate peace or develop connection. The thing about somatics is that intellectual learning only takes you so far. The magic is in the practice, and we’re going to practice together.

  3. Community building, in the form of Q&A spot-coaching and breakout sessions to strengthen our bonds in the group. If you’re doing this as a replay, you may like to find a friend to touch base with as you go through the course.

WHAT IT COSTS: $194 total or you can split it into 2 monthly payments of $97 each. (I consulted with several other coaches and marketers to price this package, and I am ignoring all their advice on pricing in order to include as many as I can.)

HOW IT FEELS: Expansive, peaceful, profound, restorative, connected, like solid ground to stand on. You will be able to feel and trust your instincts through this work together, and you can take that with you wherever you go.


  • Kate is a master at space holding. Her gentle confidence allowed me to feel safe in my most vulnerable moments. Knowing she was there to guide and hold with a nurturing ease, I allowed myself to go deeper into the work than I ever expected.

  • Kate is an extremely effective coach. She guides with grace and confidence and takes you to places within yourself you may have never known were there. Throughout the process you feel her full presence and wisdom.

  • It was so valuable to have someone who understands this pain on a personal level hold space, being able to talk about my losses with someone who really gets it.

  • I'm now better at recognizing cues in my body for when I feel overwhelmed and frazzled, and have become more proactive in seeking a break / asking for help. I know what helps when I feel overwhelmed and I can tap it into that more easily.

  • Kate holds the perfect balance in terms of allowing one to express themselves fully, to feel comfortable in disclosing their deepest, most colorful feelings, while being a knowledgeable, calm and insanely insightful guide.

  • Impeccable, gentle yet also very perceptive and recognizes when to call things out to bring to the surface, she has a wonderful gift that feels so earthy in her space holding I was able to drop very deep with her in somatic practices.