Women’s Winter Of Empowerment

Small Group Somatic Coaching for Women Ready to Thrive

If you’ve felt stuck for a while…

Somatic Coaching Moves You FAST.

Join an intimate group of just four women who will gather all through the winter to stoke the fires of our wildest dreams and train in potent tools to shape our lives and our world for the better.

WHO: YOU! Plus three other women who are ready to step into their power and Kate Carson, somatic coach certified in The VITA Method of coaching. 

WHAT: Somatic methods treat BOTH your mind AND your body as two aspects of your unified self. If you’ve ever found yourself at traditional talk therapy wondering, week after week, “Is this really helping? Do I just need to give it more time?” Somatic methods may feel more potent. Not everyone integrates by talking. When we work through the body, we can align ourselves to our purpose much more quickly and completely.

WHEN: Six Sundays, 10am-12pm one Sunday Each Month (Except Feb 11, which is 6-8pm)

WHERE: Ten Wellness 48 Mt. Vernon St. Winchester, MA (Second Floor)

HOW MUCH: $450 for the entire 6 months of work if you pay up front, or $83 a month. — Either way, a fraction of the usual cost for masterful coaching in the VITA methodology.

The Plan:

Six monthly empowerment workshops give simple HOW TO for personal empowerment. 

October 8: Map Your Desire – get in touch with your wanting to chart your course in the right direction.

November 5: Speak Your Truth – all about communication and relationships, just in time for seeing your entire extended family for Thanksgiving.  

December 3: Reclaim Your Rest – restorative practices and the worthiness foundation you need to actually take rest when you need it.

January 7: Plot Your Purpose – while everyone else makes their resolutions, we dream bigger and learn how to dismantle resistance and keep you on your path for years to come. 

February 11: Love Yourself Better – simple practices help you cultivate love for your body, mind, and spirit.  Really.

March 3: Energize Your Life – harnessing the burgeoning power of spring time to juice you up when you need a boost. 

Why Join Now?

Look, my 1 on 1 coaching runs $300 per session and there are not ever sales or discounts. Being part of her first-ever group cohort means you get the full value of 12 hours of direct instruction plus 30 min a week of texting support and an additional weekly somatic practice to do at home at a tiny fraction of the price for this total value. Group holding can increase the power of the work, to boot! This is a very special opportunity and it may well either increase in price, or increase in class size in future offerings. The first-ever Women’s Winter of Empowerment is going to be beautiful, intimate, and unusually good value.

What Kind of Woman Is A Fit for This Work?

Very likely, you are, dear one! Women who feel stuck, burnt-out in their lives and want to open up a sense of space and vital energy. Women who feel resentful of their loved ones and want to re-create their relationships to feel like their best-selves in family. Women with vision who want to create something beautiful. Women of purpose who wish to dive into activism and change the world. Women who desire feminine friendship in all their endeavors and want to build that starting here. Women who don’t even know what they want and just want to get back in touch with true desire so they can live from the heart. Women who are just as excited to support others on their paths as to receive support every step of the way. Don’t hesitate to reach out with questions if you’d like to speak about your specifics. (carson.kate@gmail.com)

What if I can’t make One of the Meetings?

If you are sick or on the road and want to tune in from home, Kate can broadcast that particular meeting via zoom. (There is one meeting where this will be the case for Kate, and there is a special plan for a practice that lends itself to remote work). Missing one meeting isn’t a big deal if you follow up and employ the practices between sessions. However, if you can only make one or two of the meetings, this round of work isn’t right for you. Feel free to join the nightbloomcoaching.com email list or for future offerings or book 1 on 1 work any time.

What is Somatic Coaching Like?

Honestly? To me, it feels like magic. Sometimes, it’s like lying in gentle, quiet meditation or guided visualization where your deepest truth unfolds. Other times, it’s rowdy! Movement and sounding is most welcome in many processes. Sometimes it feels like an acting class, when we let a feeling take our body and move us. Other times, it looks like a role play. During our Winter together, we’ll dip into all sorts of practices, from a deeply restful winter meditation to a amped-up practice designed to flood your body with pleasure.

What Even IS coaching? Is it Therapy?

Coaching is like therapy in that it involves the careful, high-quality attention of the practitioner. Many of the same basic listening and attentional skills are at play in both worlds. Coaching is UNLIKE therapy in several important ways, for instance:

  1. Coaches do not diagnose or treat any illnesses whereas therapists are healthcare providers. Therefore coaching is not covered by almost any insurance plans. When I have a client who seems to be suffering from a mental health concern, I will ask her to get additional support from a therapist so that she gets the best care holistically.

  2. Coaches tend to be future-oriented, helping you get where you want to be, while many therapists are past-oriented, helping you figure out why you are where you are.

  3. Most of the time when people talk about “therapy” they are talking about cognitive, analytical methods. Though there are somatic modalities of therapy (for example: Internal Family Systems, EMDR, Brainspotting), MOST therapy sessions still constitute client talking and therapist listening. There is more direct guidance in coaching and exercises tend to be contained and body-based rather than open-ended and talk-based.

  4. Therapists and coaches both have boundaries to their work, but they are different boundaries. A therapist will likely have been trained not ever to touch a client, whereas in somatic coaching, we can touch a client if we are given consent to do so. Therapists often won’t answer emails or calls between sessions and it’s unlikely you’ll have any way to text your therapist. Coaches often do do this between-session triage, which is one reason some therapists like their clients to ALSO have a coach who can fill in support between sessions. Another dissimilar boundary is that therapists are often trained to be emotionally uninvested, whereas coaches are trained to be professionally invested in the client’s goals, for we are working towards those together.

What Kind of People Most Benefit From Somatic Coaching?

Those who are curious about their own emotions (it’s ok to also be afraid of your emotions). Those who have maybe not always felt that talk-therapy was moving them forwards as quickly or as much as they’d like. Those who are willing to work in partnership with the body. If you’ve ever done yoga, you’ve done a somatic practice. You don’t have to do yoga to do somatic coaching, but if you felt something move in you when you did yoga — especially GENTLE yoga, you likely will in this work, too.

I’ve got PTSD (or some other diagnosis) Can I still do Somatic Coaching?

Yes! You can. It’s important to know that Kate is a trauma-informed coach, and not a mental health practitioner. Most of her coaching clients have a PTSD diagnosis and have either done past trauma work with a therapist for EMDR or have a therapist they see in tandem with the coaching. Somatic coaching can be very supportive of trauma integration and mental health, but it is not a CURE for any disorder, rather it’s a way to live more richly and fully and feel what you feel in every aspect.

How do I sign up?

I have met and gotten to know essential parts of myself and understand who I am and the essence of who I am better than ever. I am feeling safe in showing up and being seen as I move into a more visible career.
— Client Christine
I definitely feel more empathy and in-tune with those around me in a less judgmental way.
— Client Allison
Kate is an extremely effective coach. She guides with grace and confidence and takes you to places within yourself you may have never known were there. Throughout the process you feel her full presence and wisdom.
— Client Jen

So, Dear One, What Are You Doing This Winter?